

Movilidad internacional

ESADg has a specific department to attend to the mobility processes of its students and teaching staff. In relation to these programmes, we are currently running the KA1 Action, which promotes the mobility of people for learning purposes, and aims to strengthen the framework of the European Higher Education Area, making it a benchmark for quality and innovation. To this end, it implements various strategies, including, on the one hand, the mobility of students and teaching staff and, on the other, multilateral cooperation between European higher education institutions.

The European Union approved for the period 2014-2020 the continuity of the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP, 2007-2013) which covers four educational levels: 1) school education, 2) higher education, 3) vocational training, and 4) adult education. The specific programme for higher education in the period 2014-2020 is called ERASMUS+. For the 2018-2019 academic year, ESADg will start the necessary procedures to be able to develop training and mobility actions within the framework of the European Union Erasmus Mundus programme, paying special attention to cooperation with Latin American countries.


Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027


ESADg has recently been included in the ITI/UNESCO network for higher education in the performing arts, which focuses on building a global platform for higher education institutions to meet, learn from each other, organise exchanges between students, artists and scholars, as well as address common issues, whether academic, artistic or institutional. This network supports the performing arts in developed and developing countries, with a special focus on Africa, contributing to improve accessibility to performing arts education: ITI/UNESCO, Higher School of Performing Arts of Galicia


ITI/UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts

Protocol Erasmus+ for professionals

The Erasmus+ programme offers the possibility of inviting professionals from different sectors of the performing arts and teachers from public or private education, as long as they are resident in countries belonging to the programme by means of a grant similar to those granted to teachers under the Staff Mobility for Teaching modality.

Protocolo Bolsas Invitados

Lucía Hernández Fernández
Álvaro Rodríguez Carballo

+34 986 246 399 (Ext. 32)
Instagram: @international.esadgalicia

The specific programme for Higher Education in the period 2014-2020 is called ERASMUS+.

ESAD Galicia manages Action KA1: ‘Mobility of people for learning purposes’, which aims to strengthen the framework of the European Higher Education Area, making it a benchmark for quality and innovation. To this end, it implements various strategies, including, on the one hand, the mobility of students and teaching staff and, on the other hand, multilateral cooperation between European higher education institutions.



 Autorización imaxe e datos


Nomination and application process

Nomination process

Deadline: 1/06/2024 (1st Semester)

Deadline: 1/11/2023 (2nd Semester)

Please nominate your students by e-mail to including the following information:

  • first and last name
  • e-mail address
  • field of study & study cycle at Esad-G.
  • period of the mobility

We kindly ask you to send one e-mail with information on all nominated students per university, including the Erasmus code, if available. Please nominate only as many students as places have been agreed upon in the IIA.

Application process

Deadline: 15/06/2024 (1st Semester)

Deadline: 15/11/2023 (2nd Semester)

Application documents:

  • Student Application form with photo
  • Curriculum vitae (in Spanish or English)
  • Motivation letter (in Spanish or English)
  • Transcript of Records
  • Portfolio (only for students applying for Scenography)